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Discover books, journal articles, and book chapters on our work. To see the latest updates, follow us online.
Case Studies in Early Societies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
(In Preparation)
by Frachetti, M.D.
by Boivin, N. and M.D. Frachetti (eds.)
by Michael David Frachetti (Editor), Robert N. Spengler III, (Editor)
by Michael David Frachetti (Author)
*indicates peer-reviewed
*2022 Powell, W., Frachetti, M., Pulak, C., Bankoff,H.A., Gojko Barjamovic, G., Johnson, M., Mathur, R., Pigott, V.C., Michael Price, M., Yener, K.A. Tin from Uluburun shipwreck shows small-scale commodity exchange fueled continental tin supply across Late Bronze Age Eurasia. Science Advances (AAAS). 8(48) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3766
*2022 Bullion, E., Maksudov, F., Henry, E., Merkle, A., & Frachetti, M. Community practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia. Antiquity, 1-18. doi:10.15184/aqy.2021.106
* 2022 Alexander Goryachev, and Michael D. Frachetti. "Traditions of Settlement in Bronze Age Zhetysu (Kazakhstan)" Археология Казахстана, no. 2, 2022, pp. 24-56. doi:10.52967/akz2022.
*2021 Hermes, T.R., Doumani Dupuy, P.N., Henry, E., Meyer, M., Mar’yashev, A.N., Frachetti, M.D. The multi-period settlement “Dali” in southeastern Kazakhstan: Bronze Age institutional dynamics along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor. Asian Perspectives. 60 (2): 345-381.
*2021 Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., … Frachetti, M., Reich, D., Stockhammer, P., Sirak, K.,… et. al. Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines. Nature,
* 2021 Feener, R., Daly, P., Frachetti, M., Mujah, I., Irawani, M., Taran, J., . . . Clark, G.. The Maldives Heritage Survey. Antiquity, 95(381), E16. doi:10.15184/aqy.2021.45
* 2021 Lu, H. Chen, Z., Tang, L., Lemoine, X., Wangdue, S., Chen, Z., Liu X., & Frachetti, M.D. Early agropastoral settlement and cultural change in central Tibet in the first millennium BC: excavations at Bangga. Antiquity
*2020 Dehghanpoor, G., Frachetti, M., and Duba, B. A tensor decomposition method for unsupervised feature learning on satellite imagery. GARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | 978-1-7281-6374-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324715
* 2020 Li, Y., Storozum, M.J., Jia, X., Wang, Xin, Frachetti, M.D. Reconceptualizing water history of Chinese Central Asia: Hydraulic modeling of the early 1st mill. AD irrigation system at Mohuchahangoukou-4 (MGK4), Xinjiang, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33
* 2020 Gokcumen, O. and M. Frachetti . The Impact of Ancient Genome Studies in Archaeology. Annual Rev. Anthropology 49:1.
* 2020 Hermes, T.R., Frachetti, M.D., D.Voyakin, A.S. Yerlomaeva, A. Z. Beisenov, P.N. Doumani Dupuy, D.V. Papin, G. Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, J. Bayarsaikhan, Jean-Luc Houle, A. A. Tishkin, A.Nebel, B.Krause-Kyora, C.A. Makarewicz. High mitochondrial diversity of domesticated goats persisted among Bronze and Iron Age pastoralists in the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor. PLOSOne.
*2020 Schmaus TM, Doumani Dupuy PN & M.D. Frachetti Variability in seasonal mobility patterns in Bronze and Iron Age Kazakhstan through cementum analysis, Quaternary International.
*2019 Hermes, T.; Frachetti, M.; Doumani Dupuy, P.; Mar’yashev, A. Nebel, A. ; Makarewicz, C. Early integration of pastoralism and millet cultivation in Bronze Age Eurasia. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 286 (1910).
*2019 V. Narasimhan, N. Patterson,…M. Frachetti, Ron Pinhasi, and David Reich. The genetic formation of South and Central Asia. Science, 365 (6457).
*2019 Li, Y., Storozum, M.J., Frachetti, M.D., Duo T., Kai, Su., Wang, X. Farming strategies of 1st millennium CE agro-pastoralists on the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains: A geoarchaeological and macrobotanical investigation of the Mohuchahangoukou (MGK) site, Xinjiang, China.
*2019 Schmaus TM, Doumani Dupuy PN & M.D. Frachetti, Variability in seasonal mobility patterns in Bronze and Iron Age Kazakhstan through cementum analysis, Quaternary International.
*2019 Maksudov, F, Bullion, E., Henry, E.R., Hermes, T.R., Merkle, A., M.D. Frachetti. Nomadic Urbanism at Tashbulak: A New Highland Town of the Qarakhanids, in C. Baumer and S. Ecklin (eds.) Urban Cultures of Central Asia. Bern, Switzerland, pp. 283–306.
*2018 Spengler RN, Maksudov F, Bullion E, Merkle A, Hermes T, Frachetti, M. (2018) Arboreal crops on the medieval Silk Road: Archaeobotanical studies at Tashbulak. PLOS ONE 13(8): e0201409.
*2018 Hermes, T.R., Frachetti, M.D., Bullion,E.A., Maksudov, F, Mustafokulov, S, and C.A. Makarewicz. Urban and nomadic isotopic niches reveal dietary connectivity along Central Asia’s Silk Roads. Nature: Scientific Reports.
*2018 Boivin, N. and M.D. Frachetti. Introduction, in Boivin, N and M. Frachetti (eds), Globalization in Prehistory: Contact Exchange and the ‘People Without History’. Cambridge (UK), Cambridge University Press.
*2018 Frachetti, M.D. and E. Bullion. Ch 5: Bronze Age Participation in a Global Ecumene: Mortuary Practice and Ideology across Inner Asia, in Boivin, N and M. Frachetti (eds), Globalization in Prehistory: Contact Exchange and the ‘People Without History’. Cambridge (UK), CambridgeUniversity Press.
*2018 Frachetti, M.D., Smith, C.E., C. Copp. Pastoralist Participation (PastPart): A model of mobility and connectivity across the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor, in R. L. Anemone and G. C. Conroy. New Geospatial Approaches to the Anthropological Sciences. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
*2018 Doumani Dupuy, P., Spengler, R.N., and M.D. Frachetti. Eurasian Textiles: Case studies in exchange during the incipient and later phases of the Silk Roads. Quaternary International
*2017 Frachetti, M.D., Smith, C.E., Traub, C., & T. Williams. Nomadic ecology shaped the highland geography of Asia’s Silk Roads. Nature 543, 193–198 (09 March 2017)
*2016 Miller,N., Spengler R.N., and M.D. Frachetti. Millet cultivation across Eurasia: Origins, spread, and the influence of seasonal climate. The Holocene 26(10), 1566-1575
*2015 Frachetti, M.D. and Spengler, R.N. Introduction. In Frachetti, M.D. and R.N. Spengler (eds.) Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas, p. 1-8. New York, Springer.
*2015 Frachetti, M.D. Nomadic Mobility, Migration, and Environmental Pressure in Eurasian Prehistory. In Frachetti, M and R. Spengler (eds.) Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas, p. 7-16. New York, Springer.
*2015 Doumani, P.N., Frachetti, M.D., Beardmore, R., Schmaus, T., Spengler III, R.N., and A.N. Mar’yashev. Burial Ritual, Agriculture, and Craft Production among Bronze Age Pastoralists at Tasbas (Kazakhstan). Archaeological Research in Asia 1, 17-32
*2014 Spengler R.N., Frachetti M.D., and P.N. Doumani. Late bronze age agriculture at Tasbas in the Dzhungar mountains of eastern Kazakhstan. Quaternary International 348, 147-157
*2014 Frachetti, M.D. Seeds for the Soul: Ideology and Diffusion of Domesticated Grains Across Inner Asia. In Reconfiguring the Silk Road, ed. V. Mair, and J. Hickman. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, pgs. 41-54.
*2014 Frachetti, M.D. and F. Maksudov. The Landscape of Ancient Mobile Pastoralism in the Highlands of southeastern Uzbekistan, 2000 B.C. – A.D. 1400. Journal of Field Archaeology 30(3): 195-212.
*2014 Spengler R.N., Frachetti M.D., Doumani, P.N., Rouse L.M., Cerasetti B., Bullion E., and A.N. Mar’yashev Early agriculture and crop transmission among Bronze Age mobile pastoralists of Central Eurasia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20133382
*2013 Frachetti, M.D. Commentary on “Pastoralism and Pilgrimage: Ibn Khaldun’s Bayt-State Model and the Rise of Arabian Kingdoms” by Joy McCorriston. Current Anthropology 54(5): 607-41.
*2013 Spengler, R.N., Frachetti, M.D. and G.J. Fritz. Ecotopes and Herd Foraging Practices in the Steppe/Mountain Ecotone of Central Asia during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Journal of Ethnobiology 33(1): 125-47.
*2013 Frachetti, M.D. Bronze Age Pastoralism and Differentiated Landscapes along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor. In Connections and Complexity: New Approaches to the Archaeology of South and Central Asia, eds. Shinu Abraham, Praveena Gullapalli, Teresa Raczek and Uzma Rizvi. Pp. 279-98. Los Angeles: Left Coast Press.
*2012 Doumani, Paula and M.D. Frachetti. Bronze Age Textile Evidence In Ceramic Impressions: Weaving And Pottery Technology Among Mobile Pastoralists Of Central Eurasia. Antiquity 86: 368-82.
*2012 Frachetti, M.D. and L. Rouse. Central Asia, the steppe and the Near East, 2500-1500 BC. In Companion to the Archaeology of the Near East, ed. D. Potts, pp. 687-705. London: Blackwell Publishers.
*2012 Frachetti, M.D. Multi-Regional Emergence of Mobile Pastoralism and Non-Uniform Institutional Complexity Across Eurasia. Current Anthropology. 53(1): 2-38.
*2011 Frachetti, M.D. The Migration Concept in Central Eurasian Archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology 40:195–221.
*2010 Frachetti, M.D., Spengler, R.S., Fritz, G. J., and A.N. Mar’yashev. Earliest Evidence of Broomcorn Millet and Wheat in the Central Eurasian Steppe Region. Antiquity 84 (326): 993-1010.
*2010 Frachetti, M.D., Benecke, N, Mar’yashev, A. N., and P. Doumani. Eurasian Pastoralists and Their Shifting Regional Interactions at the Steppe Margin: Settlement History at Mukri, Kazakhstan. World Archaeology 42(4): 622-646.
*2009 Frachetti, M.D. and N. Benecke. From Sheep to (Some) Horses: 4500 Years of Herd Structure at the Pastoralist Settlement of Begash (Southeastern Kazakhstan). Antiquity 83 (322): 1023-1037.
*2009 Frachetti, M.D. Differentiated Landscapes and Non-Uniform Complexity among Bronze Age Societies of the Eurasian Steppe. In Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia: Monuments, Metals and Mobility, eds. Bryan Hanks And Kathryn Linduff, 19-46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2009 Fentress, Elizabeth, Michael Frachetti, and Kimberly Brown. Chapter 2: Methodology. In An Island Through Time: Jerba Studies, volume 1, eds. E. Fentress, R. Holod, and A. Drine, 21-36. Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supp. monograph 71.
2009 Frachetti, M.D. Chapter 4: Geography. In An Island Through Time: Jerba studies, volume 1, eds. E. Fentress, E., R. Holod, and A. Drine, 55-71.Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supp. monograph 71.
2009 Frachetti, M.D. and Alexei N. Mar’yashev. Periodizatsii i Khronologiya Dolgovremenogo Poseleniya Bigash [Periodization and Chronology of the Long-term Settlement Begash]. Izvestia, National Academy of Science, Republic of Kazakhstan 1: 70-83.
*2008 Frachetti, M.D. Variability and Dynamic Landscapes of Mobile Pastoralism in Ethnography and Prehistory. In The Archaeology of Mobility: Nomads in the Old and in the New World, eds. H. Barnard and W. Wendrich, 366-96. Cotsen Advanced Seminar Series 4. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA.
*2007 Frachetti, M.D. and Alexei N. Mar’yashev. Long-term Occupation and Seasonal Settlement of Eastern Eurasian Pastoralists at Begash, Kazakhstan. Journal of Field Archaeology 32(3): 221-42
2007 Mar’yashev, Alexei and Michael Frachetti. Issledovanie mogil’nikov i poseleniya u sela Bigash v vostochnom Semirech’ye [Study of the Burial and Settlement Begash in Eastern Semirech’ye]. Istoria i Arkeologiya Semirech’ya 3: 100-105
2006 Frachetti, M.D. The Dzhungar Mountains Archaeology Project: Reconstructing Bronze Age Life in the Mountains of Eastern Kazakhstan. In Beyond the Steppe and the Sown, eds. D.L. Peterson, L.M. Popova and A.T. Smith, 122-41. Boston: Brill Academic Publishing.
*2006 Frachetti, M.D. Digital archaeology and the Scalar Structure of Space and Time: Modeling Mobile Societies of Prehistoric Central Asia. InDigital Archaeology, eds. Evans T. and P. Daly, 128-47. London: Routledge.
2006 Frachetti, M.D. Ancient Nomads of the Andronovo Culture: The Globalization of the Eurasian Steppe during Prehistory. In Of Gold and Grass: Nomads of Kazakhstan, eds. C. Chang and K. Guroff, 21-8. Washington: Foundation for International Arts & Education.
2004 Frachetti, M.D. Archaeological Explorations of Bronze Age Pastoral Societies in the Mountains of Eastern Eurasia. The Silk Road 2(1): 3-8.
*2004 Frachetti, M.D. and C. Chippindale. Invited Commentary on: “Ethnography and Material Culture: A Review” by Christopher Tilley. Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads 1(1): 40-44.
2003 Aubekerov, B. Zh., S.A., Nigmatova, and M.D. Frachetti. Geomorfologicheskie Osobennosti Raiona Arkheologicheskogo Pamyatnika Begash Severnoi Dzhongarii [Geomorphology of the Region and Archaeological Monument of Begash, Northern Dzhungaria]. In Aktual’nie Problemy Geosistem Aridnikh Territorii, 287-89. Almaty: National Kazakh University.
*2002 Frachetti, M.D. Bronze Age Exploitation and Political Dynamics of the Eastern Eurasian Steppe Zone. In Ancient Interactions: East and West in Eurasia vol. 1, eds. K. Boyle, C. Renfrew, and M. Levine, 161-70. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs.
*2002 Frachetti, M.D. and C. Chippindale. Alpine Space, Alpine Time and Prehistoric Human Experience. In European Landscapes of Rock-Art, eds. C. Chippindale and G. Nash, 116-43. London: Routledge.
2000 Daly, P., M. Frachetti, and J. Okkonen, GIS and Early Åland: Spatial Analysis in an Archipelago of Southwestern Finland. In CAA ’96: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, eds. K. Lockyear, T. J. Sly, and V. Mihailescu-Birliba, Vol. 845: 91-100. Oxford: BAR International Series.
1999 Zubrow, E., M. Nunez, P. Daly, M. Frachetti, P. Trella, D. Chestnut, P. Mitchell, K. Niskanen, A. Rajala, and E. Thurston. Archaeological Survey of the Finnish-Russian Border and the Oulanka River Valley. Oulanka Reports 20: 5-60.
1998 Zubrow, E.B.W. and M. Frachetti. The Changing World-view of Prehistoric Populations. KVHAA Konferenser (Stockholm, Sweden) 40: 27-63.
1997 Núñez, M., J. Okkonen, M. Frachetti, and P. Daly. GIS Where Altitude is a Function of Time. In Archaeological Applications of GIS: Proceedings of Colloquium II, UISPP XIIIth Congress, Forli, Italy, September 1996, eds. I. Johnson, & M. North. Sydney University Archaeological Methods Series 5.